• Family Notes

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A/B Day Calendar - January


Report Card Night - Middle/High School 

We will be hosting two different days of Report Card Night for our Middle and High School Students. You will be able to receive your students' grades as well as connect with your students' teachers. If you are unable to attend, we will have a makeup day, where you will be able to pick up your student's grades. More details to come 


























Homecoming Dance

We will be having a Homecoming Dance for our students on February 1st. Please read the flyer below for more details.



White Oak Elementary 

Why Choose SPARKS White Oak Elementary? Our mission is clear: to empower ALL Houston students to succeed in college and beyond. At YES Prep, we provide a College-Ready, Tuition-Free Education, Free in Zone- Transportation, Safe and Joyful Environment, Bilingual and Special Education Programming, Low Teacher to Student Ratio, and much more!

Every child deserves the chance to pursue their dreams, and it starts with a YES.

Apply today and set your student on the path to opportunity! 🚀 Click the 🔗 in our profile 👉👉👉👉


¿Por qué elegir SPARKS White Oak Elementary? Nuestra misión es clara: empoderar a TODOS los estudiantes de Houston para que tengan éxito en la universidad y más allá. En YES Prep, ofrecemos una educación universitaria gratuita, transporte gratuito en la zona, un entorno seguro y alegre, programas de educación especial y bilingüe, una proporción baja de maestros por estudiante y mucho más.

Todos los niños merecen la oportunidad de perseguir sus sueños, y todo comienza con un SÍ.

¡Presenta tu solicitud hoy y encamina a tu estudiante hacia la oportunidad! 🚀 Haz clic en la 🔗 en nuestro perfil 👉👉👉👉


Updated Uniform Policy

This 2023-2024 School year, we are reestablishing YES Prep’s Dress Code for all students.
This year students will be required to wear the following:

Free Breakfast & Lunch for ALL Students

White Oak, as a reminder, both breakfast and lunch are free to all students!
This year, your student does not have to apply for free or reduced meals. All meals that are offered by our cafeteria staff, are free to all students.

If students do not remember their ID numbers, or forgot their ID's at home, they can still line up and get their food. Our cafeteria staff has been working hard to make sure students are able to eat; they will assist your child with their ID numbers and ensure they receive their meals. 

Let's Travel to South Korea!

As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, it is critical for our students to become more culturally aware and globally-minded. After the incredible success of our 2024 France, Germany & Switzerland Trip, we are pleased to announce that your student’s teachers are planning an educational tour to South Korea for this upcoming summer with EF Tours. Join us for more information!




YES Prep White Oak Elementary!

We're excited to announce that White Oak Elementary school is opening next door in August 2025! If you have little ones entering PK4-2nd grade, fill out an interest form today! Scan the QR code on the flyer or go straight to the link HERE!



YES Prep White Oak Elementary will be opening August 2025 right here in your neighborhood and be open to students entering prekindergarten through second grade. (We will add a grade level every year until we are a fully-grown campus serving prekindergarten through fifth grade.) We believe every student and every family deserves an opportunity for a prosperous future which is why YES Prep provides a college-forward education as early as elementary.

From the first time students step onto a YES Prep campus to the moment they walk across the stage at graduation, each student is prepared for the academic demands of college entrance exams and the admissions process, as well as their continued academic journey.  Are you ready to say YES?


If you would like to enroll your student sibling to YES Prep White Oak Elementary School fill out our interest form to stay up to date with news and info and/or to get in contact with a member of our staff

Follow our social:



Updated Bus Routes

Please see below our bus routes for this school year. 

Please make sure that you are following the transportation update emails that are being sent. It's informing of where they are in the process of getting students registered and approved to ride the bus. 

If you have any questions regarding transportation, please reach out to Mrs. Aviles to: Maria.Aviles@yesprep.org





Uniform Policy for the 2024-2025 school year


At YES Prep, we continue to see the benefits of students wearing YES Prep uniforms and apparel, including a sense of school pride, improved safety and more convenience for families. For this reason, we will continue the standard uniform policy for the 2024-2025 school year. Students must wear a YES Prep-branded polo or spirit shirt five days a week, with the option to wear a school-chosen variation like a college shirt on Fridays. 2024-2025

Uniform Sale Price- $5 spirit shirt; $8 polo shirt; $31 uniform bundle (3 spirit shirts, 2 polo shirts)

The YES Prep polos and spirit shirts are now available for purchase on our website. For more information about YES Prep’s dress code and distribution dates visit yesprep.org/uniforms.

Please note: We will continue to require all students to use clear or mesh backpacks for the 2024-2025 school year. Small non-transparent bags no longer than 6” X 9” will be allowed for personal items, such as school supplies, cellphones, money and hygiene products.

Child Nutrition - Update to our Menu App

We are thrilled to announce a significant upgrade in our digital menu technology. Starting May 30th, our current menu app, So Happy, will no longer display menus. We are evolving and advancing to meet and exceed the expectations of our students and families.   As part of this evolution, we are transitioning to Nutrislice, an innovative web and app platform that is now live. Nutrislice will provide an enhanced user experience, allowing for easy navigation of menus, filtering for dietary and allergen restrictions, changing preferred language settings, and much more.   We believe this upgrade will greatly benefit our community, making it simpler and more convenient to access important meal information.   Getting Started Steps:    

1. Download the app Nutrislice from your smartphone’s app store:  



2. Select your language. Click the dropdown menu in the right-hand corner and click “Select a Language.” Choose your preferred language and click “Translate.”

3. Pick your location. Click on the location you want to view menus for. Don’t forget to add locations you visit most often to your favorites list!

4. Get started. Click into a menu to see available menu options for that day, week, or month depending on your administrator’s settings. Click on a menu item to open a food card that may contain nutritional information and/or images.

5. You’re done! Enjoy your Nutrislice experience.  For any questions or further assistance, please contact the Child Nutrition Department: ChildNutrition@yesprep.org  

Student Assistance Forms: 

SAFs can be submitted for: 
·         Urgent family concerns 
·         Family or student supplies or resources needed for school (i.e. uniforms, calculator, books, food) 
·         Student social and emotional concerns 
·         Student home or family concerns (food insecurity, clothing needs- uniform support, community resources, etc.) 
·         Student relationship concerns 
·         Concerns about bullying




  • Family Notes

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The News Update is YES Prep Public Schools systemwide monthly e-newsletter where we share the latest news, teacher and student stories, as well as upcoming events and important dates. 

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