- Family Notes
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Q3 Family Night - Owls Accelerate
White Oak! This is a good opportunity to meet with your student's teachers. We would love to see you all here!
P.S. We will be selling concessions to support any future student and parent events!
No School/ Early Release
White Oak, Parent Square will be launching this month! We will communicate how to gain access to the platform at a later date. Read below for some more information on Parent Square.
We are excited to let you know that this year we’ll be using ParentSquare to communicate with you at the school, and in your classrooms and groups. ParentSquare provides a simple and safe way for everyone at school to connect. With ParentSquare you’ll be able to: • Receive all district, school and classroom communication via email, text, or app • View the school and classroom calendar and RSVP for events • Easily sign up to volunteer and/or bring items • Securely receive report cards, IEPs and other important student documents |
Nos complace informarles que este año usaremos ParentSquare para comunicarnos con ustedes en la escuela y en sus aulas y grupos. ParentSquare proporciona una manera simple y segura para que todos en la escuela se conecten. Con ParentSquare podrá: • Reciba toda la comunicación del distrito, la escuela y el aula por correo electrónico, mensaje de texto o aplicación • Ver el calendario de la escuela y el aula y confirmar su asistencia a los eventos • Regístrese fácilmente para ser voluntario y / o traer artículos • Reciba de forma segura boletas de calificaciones, IEP y otros documentos importantes de los estudiantes |
Check out an overview video on Parent Square: link Check out how to activate your account: HERE Start-up guide: HERE |
Echa un vistazo a un video de descripción general en Parent Square: link Echa un vistazo a cómo activar tu cuenta: HERE Guia de inicio: AQUI |
Intent to Return - Skyward
Our intent to return survey is now available for you to access through your Skyward account. All students must complete the Intent to Return survey to let us know who plans to return for our upcoming school year.
For more information on how to access, please watch the video below on how to access.
Skyward Link
Intent to Return "How To" Video - English
Intent to Return "How To" Video - Spanish
YES Prep Lottery
The lottery window is not just an opportunity; it's your best chance to secure a seat at YES Prep Public Schools for the 2024-2025 school year.
Apply today and embark on a transformative learning experience with YES Prep!
π yesprep.org/SayYES
La ventana de lotería no es sólo una oportunidad; es su mejor oportunidad para asegurar un lugar en las Escuelas Públicas YES Prep para el año escolar 2024-2025.
¡Solicite hoy y embarquese en una experiencia de aprendizaje transformadora con YES Prep!
π yesprep.org/DigaYES
A/B Day Calendar
2/16: Will be an early release date for our students.
2/19: Campus will be closed for student and staff holiday.
2/20 - 2/28: If your student is emergent bilingual, your student will be taking their TELPAS exams.
We are looking for Parent Volunteers!
To access the link, please click on either image. If you need the link in English, click on the left image. For Spanish, click on the image to the right.
When and if you become an approved volunteer, please make sure to send an email to Ms. Nandin to, jocelyn.nandin@yesprep.org, of an image that shows your confirmation.
After School Policy
Please see below our after-school policy for any after school programming such as clubs, tutorials, and athletics.
New Owls
Anthony Ramirez: 10th Grade World History and AP World History Teacher.
Updated Uniform Information
Please make sure all students are abiding by our dress code for the rest of the school year. We will begin checking students are in correct uniform, daily, upon their arrival. Should a student not be in dress code, they will receive a consequence and a call home will be made reminding you of the dress code that's been put in place for all White Oak Secondary Students.
Attendance Information
If you have a student who has been absent, please make sure you are informing the front office about their absence and ensure you or your student turn in any excuse notes to Mrs. Heras.
If you need to contact our attendance clerk, use this email address: marione.heras@yesprep.org or contact directly to, (713) 967-7883.
Skyward Parent Access
Click on either image & you will be taken to the Skyward parent portal to sign in.
After-School Transportation
Please see below for the afterschool transportation White Oak Secondary is offering. This is available for student use ONLY on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Please make sure to make any necessary travel arrangements for your students on days they will be staying late, and no transportation is provided.
Would you like to stay updated with your student's behavior on campus? Download our app, HERO to get access to how your student is behaving, if they have received demerits, detentions, points and so much more, please follow the instructions on how to download and access your student's account.
Please click box below for instructions.
Hero Download and Access Instructions
Bus Routes
Please click on the box below to view or, scan QR code below to access our bus routes for this school year.
First View
If you happen to have any issues or questions regarding transportation, reach out to Mrs. Aviles to: maria.aviles@yesprep.org
District Calendar / Bell Schedule
Please scan QR codes below to view our district calendar and our students bell schedule.
District Calendar: Bell Schedule:
Want to Contact Us?
Front office: (713)924-5298
Front Office Email: whiteoak@yesprep.org
All Staff Contact Form: Click HERE.
Social Media Pages
Facebook: Instagram:
Share your #25YearsofYES photos!
As we continue to celebrate #25YearsOfYES, we would love for our alumni to share their throwback photos!β―To share your photos, please email them to YES Prep’s Multimedia Content Manager Aaron Ledesma at aaron.ledesma@yesprep.org.
Types of photos we're looking for:
Senior Signing Day
Photos with your classmates
Photos with teachers and admins
Community Events
Basically any photo that is YES Prep related!
BONUS POINTS: If you or your family has old footage or home videos from your time at YES Prep ... that would be incredible!
Watch a short clip on the last #25YearsofYES!
2022-2023 Federal Report Cards
Dear YES Prep Families,
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has published the 2022-2023 Federal Report Cards for each YES Prep school and the district. We are sharing this information with you as part of our obligations under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). Information on these reports includes the items listed in this TEA guide.
You may access the report cards using any of the following methods:
- Visit the YES Prep website:
- District website link
- School website link (click on your child’s school, click on “For Parents”, then click on “Compliance Notices”, and lastly click on “Academic Performance”)
- Visit the Texas Education Agency’s website:
- Federal Report Cards link
- Federal Report Cards link
- Hard copies are available at the district office and each school’s front office.
- Appropriate translations (written or oral) are available upon request.
If you have questions, please contact Ahmer Naeem, Director of State and Legal Compliance, at ahmer.naeem@yesprep.org or (713) 924-0603. Thank you.
Estimada comunidad de YES Prep:
La Agencia de Educación de Texas (Texas Education Agency, TEA) publicó las boletas de calificaciones federales 2022-2023 para cada escuela YES Prep y para el distrito. Compartimos esta información con usted como parte de nuestras obligaciones bajo la ley federal Cada Estudiante Triunfa (Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA) de 2015. La información de estos informes incluye los elementos enumerados en esta guía de la TEA.
Puede acceder a las boletas de calificaciones mediante cualquiera de los siguientes métodos:
- Ingrese al sitio web de YES Prep:
- Enlace al sitio web del distrito
- Enlace del sitio web de la escuela (haga clic en la escuela de su hijo, luego en “For Parents [Para padres]”, luego en “Compliance Notices [Avisos de cumplimiento]”, y por último en “Academic Performance [Desempeño académico]”).
- Ingrese al sitio web de la Agencia de Educación de Texas:
- Enlace de las boletas de calificaciones federales
- Enlace de las boletas de calificaciones federales
- Las copias impresas están disponibles en la oficina del distrito y en la oficina principal de cada escuela.
- Las traducciones correspondientes (escritas u orales) están a disposición de los interesados.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con Ahmer Naeem, Director de Cumplimiento Estatal y Legal, a través del correo electrónico ahmer.naeem@yesprep.org o del teléfono (713) 924-0603. Gracias.
So Happy
So Happy... the app that tells you what’s on the menu today in your school’s cafeteria. Check out the menu items— including calories, nutritional information, and allergens.
So Happy...La aplicación que te dice lo que hay en el menú hoy en la cafetería de tu escuela. Echa un vistazo a los elementos del menú, incluidas las calorías, la información nutricional y los alérgenos.
Attendance matters and we are here to help!
We are here to help! We know that you may have some needs that arise as a parent/guardian that may impede you from being able to get your child to school. You can receive direct help by submitting a “Student Assistance Form” or, a SAF. To communicate any support needs you may have, please click here to submit a SAF! A campus Student Support Counselor will follow-up with you to determine the best way to get your need met.
SAFs can be submitted for:
· Urgent family concerns
· Family or student supplies or resources needed for school (i.e. uniforms, calculator, books, food)
· Student social and emotional concerns
· Student home or family concerns (food insecurity, clothing needs- uniform support, community resources, etc.)
· Student relationship concerns
· Concerns about bullying
SAF link: https://bit.ly/3PY1V8t
Family Communication
Please be aware that the only approved communication platforms for YES Prep Public Schools are:
Campus Family Notes.
YES Prep website.
Campus owned Instagram and Facebook accounts.
Campus Certified Communication Platforms (Class Dojo, Cardstock, School Messenger, HERO).
Other social media or communication platforms that are not handled by YES Prep personnel are not credible sources of YES Prep campus information. Examples of unapproved communication groups are WhatsApp and Facebook Groups. If you see YES Prep information being shared on any other platform, please know that it may not be accurate. We encourage you to only rely on information from approved sources. Thank you for your cooperation!
Guidance for Family Associations:
If you are a Family Association member, we encourage you to create an online community using an approved campus communication tool (Ex: Class Dojo) or a group that limits personal information being shared (Ex: GroupMe, Remind). You can also share information through campus Family Notes with the support of your campus Social Media Ambassador, Executive Assistant, or Principal. Thank you for helping us to keep our campus community informed and connected!
Tenga en cuenta que las únicas plataformas de comunicación aprobadas para las Escuelas Públicas de YES Prep son:
Notas de la familia del campus
Sitio web de YES Prep
Cuentas de Instagram y Facebook propiedad del campus
Plataformas de comunicación certificadas por el campus, HERO
Otras redes sociales o plataformas de comunicación que no son manejadas por el personal de YES Prep no son fuentes creíbles de información del campus de YES Prep. Ejemplos de grupos de comunicación no aprobados son WhatsApp y Facebook Groups. Si ve que la información de YES Prep se comparte en cualquier otra plataforma, sepa que puede ser información incorrecta. Le recomendamos que solo confíe en la información de fuentes aprobadas. ¡Gracias por su ayuda!
Guía para asociaciones familiares:
Si usted es miembro de la Asociación de Familias, le recomendamos que cree una comunidad en línea utilizando una herramienta de comunicación aprobada en el campus (por ejemplo, Class Dojo) o un grupo que limite el intercambio de información personal (por ejemplo, GroupMe, Remind). También puede compartir información a través de Family Notes del campus con el apoyo de su embajador de redes sociales, asistente ejecutivo o director de su campus. ¡Gracias por ayudarnos a mantener a nuestra comunidad universitaria informada y conectada!
- Family Notes