Summer Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

8:00 am - 3:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm 

School Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Attendance Policy:

Our school day begins at 8:30 AM every weekday morning, and any students arriving after this time are considered tardy. Our building opens at 8 AM every day to provide students with enough time to eat breakfast and take care of school-related tasks. Students must arrive at school on time to maximize their learning in the classroom and ensure they are present enough time to receive credit for their course. Even if a student is passing a class, they jeopardize earning credit for that class if they are not there at least 80% of the time. Students who arrive late to any class are recorded as tardy throughout the day. Please try to minimize the amount of time students must leave early or miss school to maximize their in-class learning time. 

If a student becomes ill at school, the clinic or nurse will call the guardian on file if they recommend the student go home. Students should not be calling from their phones during the school day. If a student has excessive absences, then notices will be sent home. We are obligated to file with the truancy court when a student misses 10 or more school days. Truancy court filings could result in a ticket or other action from law enforcement. There will no longer be a credit appeal process in place at YES Prep. The YES Prep Unified Handbook states "If a student misses an excessive number of classes for a specific course, they may be reviewed by the Grade Placement Committee and be denied credit for the course. Guardians will be informed if a student is reviewed by the Grade Placement Committee."

All excused absent notes, i.e., Doctor's Note, should be turned into the front office upon the student's return to school. Hand-written letters will not be accepted.