

What is ASPIRE and what does it offer: 

The YES Prep ASPIRE (After-School Program for Identity, Relationships and Enrichment) exists for students to participate in supplemental academic and enrichment activities that help students meet state and local student standards in core academic subjects, such as reading and math; offers students a broad array of enrichment activities to reinforce and complement the regular academic program; offers activities to help students to become college ready and ready for all post-secondary opportunities; and offers families of participating students opportunities for meaningful engagement in their children’s education, including opportunities for literacy and related educational development. 

ASPIRE contains programming that align with the following components: 

  • Academic Interventions

  • Student Interest-Based Enrichment

  • Student Organizations & Clubs highlighting and enhancing student leadership skills and providing access to college and career opportunities.


Program Schedule

Please be on the lookout for more information regarding Fall 2024 programming soon! 



While all students are eligible to participate in the ASPIRE program, space is limited. Students must be registered before they can attend programming. Students enrolled in the program are expected to attend programming for at least 30 days! Complete registration forms can be turned into the front office.

Click here to register


Parent Resources

Students are expected to adhere to the school day behavior expectations and student code of conduct while in ASPIRE. Review the ASPIRE Parent Handbook for more specific details on students and parent expectations.